Our Service to You

Our aims are simple

We will listen to you to understand your needs in your own setting.

We will work with you to develop a plan together to address the issues you wish to resolve.

We will ask you for continuous feedback throughout our journey to ensure the delivery of the agreed plan.

We aim to deliver on time and within budget. 


Bute Consultancy offers unique insight into the world of Digital for health and social care services and supports clients to utilise digital technology to support health and wellbeing. 

Bute Consultancy also has many years of experience in both the third sector and public sector environment in strategic planning, governance, innovation and research.

Bute Consultancy also offers a range of professional services for individual clients including social  work assessments for both children and adults with complex needs.


Contact us today to explore how best we can support you or your organisation. Whether you are looking for individual support or organisational support, we will tailor our response to suit your individual requirements. We will spend time with you to understand your current journey and your ongoing professional or support needs. 

Bute Consultancy would be delighted to listen, reflect and help you work through your options in a solutions focussed way

Bute Consultancy can also provide independent social work services. Contact us for more details mailto:mail@buteconsultancy.scot

Learning, Innovation and Research

Bute Consultancy will help you understand what skills need to be developed and enhanced in your organisation to meet the challenges of the new digital age.

Bute Consultancy can also help you develop practice based research to fine tune your development ideas 

We can also help develop elearning and support around best practice in child and adult protection particularly in the digital world

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